Sunday, July 14, 2013

Change in Departure Date

I was originally planning on leaving Vancouver, B.C. on or about July 22nd. About 2 weeks ago, a cyst in my back became infected. I've been in and out of the VA Medical Center in Denver having this thing cut open and drained, then packed and re-packed pretty much every 2 or 3 days since. This has been quite a painful and really bad timed situation. I was hoping to be healed enough to still depart as originally planned. Unfortunately that's not the case at this point. I will now be leaving Vancouver on August 12th or 13th, fully healed, after attending my son's wedding in Hood River, Oregon on the 10th. Slight change in plans, but luckily this happened now as opposed to 2 or 3 weeks into the ride. Glass half full, right? Can't wait to start this adventure.